Friday 8 August 2008

Mastering The Action of The Law of Attraction

Action Behind The Law of Attraction.

A great majority of people are not very happy in their lives. They hate their jobs, are unfulfilled in their relationships, have bad health or unaccomplished goals. Without being aware of it they have created their own misfortune. Everyone is, everyday, directing the law of attraction whether they know it or not!

The main reason for the disharmony in their lives lies in their misunderstanding of the law of attraction. How they use the law is dependant on their beliefs which usually developed during childhood.

As a child you probably started to emulate the adults around you. This is how you form your beliefs and attitudes - by mimicking your parents, teachers and significant adults.

It is your beliefs and attitude that directs your focus. It is your focus that directs the law of attraction and it is the law of attraction that directs your life!

How you focus on things is vitally important. Your focus determines what thoughts and menatal pictures you are holding in your mind and it is these very thoughts atht are directing the law of attraction!

Do you have everything you've always wanted or is it at least in the process of coming to you? If you don't it's because you are using the law of attraction incorrectly. Your focus is on things that are not in alignment with what you want. The law of attraction is therefore bring you more of the things you don't want instead of the things you do.

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is easily explained from a law of attraction perspective. The rich have wealth and their focus is on having plenty. The poor lack wealth and their focus is on the lack.

So how do you change your focus so that you are focused in a way that forces the law of attraction to bring you what you want and stops the law of attraction bringing you things that you don't want? Well there are two was to change your focus. The first is to change your beliefs. This approach is often hard but it is achievable with the correct products and techniques. By changing your beliefs you can set the la of attraction on automatic and sit back and let it do its work. The other way is to take charge of your thoughts and consciously direct your focus and the law of attraction.

Using the second approach for directing your focus and the law of attraction does take a little getting used to. However, you are learning to direct the law of attraction consciously. As you do this you will soon you will have enough evidence that the law of attraction exists to be motivated to keep it up!

Start with this simple, yet effective, law of attraction experiment. Identify someone in your life who you find irritating or annoying. Think of all the things that they do that annoy you. Are these not the very things you are always aware of when you are with them?

It's now time to direct the law of attraction to make your life a little better. For a few days, starting from now, think of all the positive attributes that person has. Whenever you think of them or are in their company just recall the positives. Remind yourself that no-one is all bad.

In anywhere from 1 to a few days you will see a marked improvement in your relationship with this person. Not only will your attitude towards them have improved but how they interact with you will change also. You will have used the law of attraction to change how this person relates to you. You will see more of their positive traits and witness less of their negatives because the law of attraction is following your focus and bringing you more of that which you are focused upon!

After you have succeeded with this little law of attraction experiment try other ones. Use aspects of your job that you like, your relationships, and finances and so on. Before long you will be able to direct the law of attraction to create new things simply by focusing your attention on things you don't yet have!

Law of Attraction Resources.:
Law of Attraction Full reviews of some law of attraction resources.

Free review of the best Law of Attraction Free review of the law of attraction course by Bob Doyle who featured on 'the Secret'.

Alternatively go to Wealth Beyond Reason A course designed to teach you how to use the law of attraction to create anything you want!